In doing so I established that these two libraries were very well written, easy to use and very well documented.

Although my research probably wouldn't have counted as commercial development, I was sufficiently motivated to experiment with PdfSharp and Migradoc first, which are released under the MIT license (free for any use). iTextSharp is free for non-commercial use but requires a license for commercial development. The iTextSharp library is a C# port of iText a well known and long established Java library for PDF creation. Three libraries in particular (iTextSharp, PdfSharp and MigraDoc) stood out from this group as being the most complete, feature-rich and well documented options. NET libraries focused on PDF document generation. However, the library does not contain any inherent ability to export to PDF.įurther research identified a number of. The library provides an extensive set of formatting options to allow the developer to tune the printing operation. My initial research into this subject identified the excellent DGVPrinter library, which renders DataGridViews to a printer by drawing on a Graphics context provided by the. However, rather than rendering a DataGridView to the screen, my goal was to be able to render the component to both a printer and PDF document.

Unlike DataTables, which are purely data containers (and often used as an underlying data source), DataGridViews are visual components that allow display formatting attributes to be applied (e.g. To provide a little context - my interest in these libraries stemmed from a desire to export a. NET exporting functionality and wanted to blog about my experience and add some praise for these excellent libraries. I recently became acquainted with them while investigating. I will primarily focus on the PdfSharp and MigraDoc libraries, which are free C# libraries available from. In this post I'm going to talk about creating PDF documents in C#.